Do’s and Don’t of Bird Nest Removal: Birds are a splendid creation of nature and are a part of our environment but when they chose your house to make a nest, it becomes a concern. While some people may view having birds around as fascinating, they will be amazed to learn of some of the principle pest bird issues including; noise and mess issues since birds are messy creatures, structural damages since these nests can weaken structures, and health problems since birds are known to spread diseases.
If you find yourself in the middle of this issue, you ought to be informed of the right procedures on how to go about bird nest removal. Below are the guidelines encompassing do’s and don’ts of the process.
Do’s of Bird Nest Removal
1. Do Identify the Bird Species
First, you need to ascertain various bird species that prefer nesting on your property. Some bird species are listed as endangered species and therefore it is unlawful to interfere with their nests as this attracts penalties of fines. You can consult research a professional or go to local county or city wildlife regulations to do so.
2. Do Wait for Nesting Season to End
Birds generally use their nests for a short time; we started our project early in the season so we could have regular data to compare to the birds’ data. The best time to get rid of birds is when the young ones are still in the nest, if you can. This is humane and also has a reduced risk of getting into serious legal issues.
3. Do Wear Protective Gear
They constitute an aspect that contains parasites, bacteria, and other pathogens that maybe found in their nests. It is necessary to ensure that at least the hands, face, and arms are covered with gloves, masks, and regalia while disposing of the nests or dealing with them in any way since they may contain diseases.
4. Do Clean the Area Thoroughly
Once you have expelled the nest, always clean the place so that there is no left over nest, droppings or parasites. Wash the place with a disinfectant to endeavor to prevent any other health risks in the future.
5. Do Seek Professional Help
Bird nest removal should be done safely and accurately and this is why hiring professionals is recommended. This is something that pest control firms such as Elite Choice Pest Control in Melbourne do best given that they are endowed with appropriate skills, equipment, and valid legal ‘tools’.
Don’ts of Bird Nest Removal
1. Don’t Harm the Birds
One must avoid any harm to birds or their eggs while evicting them or while eliminating their nests. A good number of bird species is under protection and damaging the birds in any way can lead to legal repercussions. Compassionate approach is the order of the day when dealing with this sometime sensitive subject.
2. Don’t Use Harsh Chemicals
It is advisable not to use strongly-worded chemicals or pesticides when trying to get rid of bird nests. These products are dangerous to the birds, the environment and sometimes intra-household acquaintances. Acquire and use safer, environment friendly products instead.
3. Don’t Ignore Local Regulations
Lack of observance of wildlife laws in the area attracts penalties and other lawful nuisances. Make sure you are abreast with the legal measures that need to be taken when removing bird nests especially if you live in Melbourne for it has statutes on the matter.
4. Don’t Leave Nests Untreated
To elaborate, if a nest is a problem and poses some risks such as property damage, don’t turn a blind eye on it. Both the removal and its treatment have to be prompt in order to avoid exacerbation of the situation. If one finds themselves surrounded with these creepy insects, then the best thing to do is to seek help from an experienced professional pest control service in Melbourne and Elite Choice Pest Control offers an effective one.
5. Don’t Block Entry Points Without Checking
It is advised that any openings have to be sealed up properly excluding any pockets that may contain birds or eggs. Sealing entry points without the right assessment will cause the birds to be locked inside which will harm them as well as cause an odor issue.
The removal of bird nests should be done with great precaution since there are some laws governing the process. Precisely, the following do’s and don’ts will make the process safe, humane, and efficient: Reliable assistance in Melbourne is provided by the Elite Choice Pest Control team. We have staff members who are acquainted with bird control management thus guaranteeing you a home that is free from bird nests and is secure.
Give us a call at Elite Choice Pest Control Melbourne for all your bird nest removal services. Consult with your specialists for safe and efficient arrangements made according to the conditions of your case.