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How to Prevent Birds from Nesting Around Your House

How to Prevent Birds from Nesting Around Your House

The noise that the fume can make, the mess and even at times where it has the potential to damage your property it becomes a nuisance.

Understanding Bird Behavior

Another point is that birds select those territories where there are no threats and the birds can build nests, get shelter and find food easily.

Legal Considerations

Thus, getting familiar with bird laws is a must before one starts eradicating bird nests or Prevent Birds from Nesting.

Identifying Problem Areas

As any attempts at bird control should involve preventing birds from nestling areas, it will be important to know where birds will build nests.

  • Roof eaves and gutters
  • Chimneys
  • Air conditioning units
  • Light fixtures
  • Window ledges

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Physical Barriers

Among the best methods of excluding birds from an area is to use devices that physical restrict the birds’ access to the area.

Using Bird Spikes

Bird spikes are effective especially for large birds such as the pigeons, to prevent them from perching on a particular area.

Where to Install Bird Spikes to Prevent Birds from Nesting:

  • Roof edges
  • Ledges
  • Window sills
  • Gutters

Installing Netting

Bird netting is another type of barrier particularly when it comes to excluding the smaller species from larger enclosures.

Best Practices for Netting Installation:

  • Tie the netting very firmly not to allow the birds to nestle through it.
  • Provide screen on doors and windows, over the vents, chimneys and balconies.

Bird Wire Systems

Bird wire systems thus result in the creation of an irregular surface hence poses a hard time to birds to land and nest in the areas that such technology is installed.

How Bird Wire Deters Nesting:

  • The wire is slender and tensed so the surface it forms is rather unfavorable for birds to perch on.

Repellents and Deterrents

When physical exclusion measures cannot be instituted, other measures like repellents and deterrents may also be used effectively to prevent birds from nesting.

Ultrasonic Bird Deterrents

Such devices produce uncomfortable for birds sounds with frequencies which are beyond audible range for people.

Reflective Objects

How to Use Reflective Tape and Objects to Prevent Birds from Nesting:

  • Place them where birds perch or where they are likely to build their nests in your compound.
  • Take them from time to time so that birds don’t get acquainted with them and to avoid birds forming a nest.

Natural Bird Repellents

Using Spices and Scents Birds Dislike:

  • Sparingly spread the spices at areas where birds usually roost.
  • Spray the essential oils as they get to a larger area and Prevent birds from nesting.

Environmental Modifications

Removing Food Sources

The feeding of birds is mostly concentrated around areas that have food judged close to your houses.

Bird Feeders and Pet Food:

  • Never put out bird feeders or if you do, ensure that you put them a considerable distance away from your house.
  • Avoid leaving pet food outside since it attracts birds and ensure the birds do not nest.

Hiring Professional Help

In such instances, it might be best to have the area professionally cleaned and sealed, especially for prevent birds from nesting, and this can be done with help from professionals at Elite Choice Pest Control.

When to Consider Professional Pest Control

When to Consider Professional Pest Control

What to Expect from a Professional Service

It is very crucial to once you are through with excluding the birds, to ensure that they do not make any attempts of re-infesting the area.


Thus, to inhibit birds nesting near the house, involves knowledge about bird habits and use of barriers, repellents and enhancements of the environment.


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